Easy valentines day cookies recipes

Cookie season is in full swing, and if you haven’t planned your baking list yet for Valentines Day, then I have easy and delicious cookie recipes for beginners today. With minimal ingredients and so easy to make

  • Prep Time
    45 minutes
  • Cook Time
    15 minutes
  • View



Step 1

Add Butter, egg whites , powdered sugar and flour to a bowl, adding one at a time and beating until light and fluffy. watch video for visuals. This is the base dough to which you can add different flavorings.

Step 2

For plain Butter cookies : add flour to 1/3rd of the flour, knead and roll out to 1/2 cm thick sheet placing the dough in between two baking sheets, refrigerate for 30 minutes before cutting out to shape

Step 3

For chocolate cookies: mix milk and cocoa powder to form a smooth paste and add to another third of the dough , knead, roll and refrigerate as you did for the first dough.

Step 4

For Red Velvet Cookies: Add cream cheese and color to the last third of the dough and repeat the process.

Step 5

Once chilled, take the sheets out of the fridge, Now preheat the oven @ 180C. Cut out desired shapes from the dough sheet . Arrange them on a lined baking tray and bake for 12 to 15 minutes.

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